
Redefining Connections, Revolutionizing Relationships

Wazzup24 CRM is Your Partner for Streamlined Operations, Enhanced Engagement, and Business Growth. From lead management to customer support, Wazzup24 CRM simplifies every aspect of your customer relationships, so you can focus on driving success.


Available WhatsApp integrations


Sales reps text in WhatsApp directly from CRM

A sales rep sees only their own chats, the leader sees everyone’s chat history

Contacts and deals for new clients are created automatically

Chat history is stored in CRM

Routine messages are sent automatically



Lead Management

Sales Automation

Task Management

Email Integration

Reporting and Analytics

Mobile Accessibility

No more problems with correspondence in the sales team

The sales reps’ chat history stays in the company

Don’t lose clients simply because an employee left and took all their chat history with them on their personal phone. Now all dialogs will be saved in one place — CRM.

The client receives a reply even if their sales rep is on vacation

If a sales rep is sick, on vacation, or leaves the company, you can transfer clients to another employee in just a few clicks.

No one says "didn’t call much because of messaging"

You will know exactly how much, when, and with whom a sales rep corresponded. And the sales rep will know that you know. There will be no more cop-outs.